Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 2010 finish - bout time!

Here it is the middle of September and I've only completed 1 project. How sad is that?? I am tho working on Floral Retreat and 2 SALs from HAED - Dragon Luck and Sunny so maybe I can use those as excuses

I've had my share of dragging my feet. My son had surgery on his ankle the end of June and for the first part of the month I just stitched away. The more mobile he got tho the less I stitched. He's back to work so I'm getting my "me" time back (not that I actually lost it - I just lost me inside that "me" time)
My dog (a Scotty named Sparky) also began having a lot of problems the end of July and August and my son and I finally had to make the decision to put her down. We had a wonderful 14 years with her (well almost - she was 2 months shy). She was so smart and quick to learn and that put a damper on things as well.

Anywho that's enough moaning/groaning/bitching and bellyaching!
The finish is called Sneak Peak from The Trilogy. It was a multi chart with part 1 having the border and cat. Chart 2 the pumpkin and ghost. Chart 3 the haunted house and witch. Of course I added some bling by putting blending filament in a couple of pieces - the ghost and the harvest moon.

I continue to go to my local stitching shop every Tuesday I can and was shocked when they asked that when completed they'd like to hang it for display. Wow talk about stressing me out - that they would even consider anything I did good enough to put on display.

Well here's the pic - a cute piece. Hope you all like it!