I had promised one of the owners of my local stitching shop that I would attempt to do linen in 2012. Not wanting to drag my angst into 2012 I found this little thing and thought - well why not - not much to it - good starter piece.
Well after all was said and done it was nothing that would make me give up Aida.
Ok - here is the picture of my linen pumpkin. The kit came with the pattern - floss - material for the back - ribbon - acorn charms - buttons.

I have a lot of mistakes because linen isn't wasn't as easy as Aida. You have to be on the correct side of the thread line to get things to line up. Most times I did but in some places I had to do some creative stitching. I also swapped out the leaves for "bling" so I didn't have to stitch them - and put a bead in for the squirrel's eye. I also left out the words "come in" at the bottom of the pumpkin. I made it into a hanging ornament with the materials that were provided - that part was pretty easy - lol
Well that's it for me for 2011!
Hugs to everyone that is following my blog and I hope to see you all in 2012!
Nice work! I am an aida person too!! Hate working over two!!
I like your ornament, Patty. I am sorry you did not like working on linen, as I far prefer even weave and linen to Aida. It has been so long since I worked on Aida that it is a learning curve each time I go back to it. Wanda in Edmonton
Good for you for trying linen. My LNS(Creative Stitchery)also encouraged me to try linen. I am now trying it and enjoying it. Yes I think we get spoiled working only on Aida, but yes it is fun to try other fabrics.
I suggest giving evenweave a try. The threads are all the same size and the stitches will be square (not necessarily so with linen). I can work on linen, but the inexpensive type is filled with flubs and might even not be straight, requiring blocking. I prefer to use evenweave and you might like it better than linen, too. Congratulations on giving something new a try.
Good job for you first linen piece. Am not a fan either, prefer evenweave or aida.
Very nice!
Never say never! It looks lovely.
All the best in 2012!
Well done on finishing your little pumkin .
I prefer evenweave over linen. Maybe you should give that a try :) Your pumpkin turned out pretty good, though.
Your ornament came out nicely, and I agree with you wholeheartedly about the linen. I tried working with that this year and failed miserably!! I am back to my aida cloth and won't give it up soon :o)
Looks good! Cute design too!
I am an aida girl too! I do not like linen....Your finish is cute!
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